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ETAP Voltage Stability software helps to accurately identify the system maximum load carrying capacity limits and reactive power compensation requirements. In this webinar, learn how to identify voltage stability limits, simulate the impact of voltage instability, perform sensitivity analysis, calculate & report instability indices and assess results via network views & plots.
В данном вебинаре мы покажем, как организовать синхронную совместную работу инженеров над одним проектом с помощью особенностей модуля NetPM программного комплекса ETAP. На примере проекта подстанции продемонстрируем возможности NetPM в части иерархического управления внесенными изменениями. Продемонстрируем как несколько инженеров из разных подразделений могут работать совместно над одним проектом, синхронизируя данные по силовому электрооборудованию и релейной защите. Также, мы покажем, как синхронизировать результаты обследования объекта с моделью в проектном офисе с помощью мобильного приложения etapAPP. Вы увидите, как повышается качество проектирования за счёт эффективной командной работы с помощью NetPM.
In this webinar, learn how to obtain accurate and economical ground grid designs by quickly identifying appropriate ground grid layouts, while efficiently conducting studies using integrated fault analysis tools.
ETAP NF C15-100 & NF C13-200; Cable Sizing & Shock Protection software module offers a powerful tool to save time and improve accuracy for low & high voltage cable calculation and electrical design using the latest French Cable Standard.
This Cable Thermal Analysis webinar explains how to design cable systems to operate to their maximum potential while providing a secure and reliable operation.
Arc flash analysis extends well beyond the scope of IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E methodology for transmission, distribution, industrial and renewable energy systems. For many years, the industry has been lacking an ‘all-in-one’ solution for performing AC and DC arc flash analysis on LV, MV, and HV systems.
This webinar will provide an overview of the fundamental differences between the IEEE 1584-2018 and existing arc flash methods. To better understand how the 2018 model combines empirical and arc flash physical behavior, the presentation will cover background and insights into the model development validation.
Proper sizing and current de-rating ensures that cables operate to their maximum potential while providing secure and reliable operation. This webinar covers cable sizing, current carrying capacity and electrical shock protection based on IEC and British standards.
The challenges of directional protection of a wind farm collector are presented in this webinar. ETAP StarZ™ Protection & Coordination module is utilized to set and analyze protection of wind power plant collectors.
Per North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), 28% of protective relay mis-operations are due to incorrect settings and logics. These errors mainly stem from the existing relay testing procedures that do not provide a proper mechanism to easily and effectively evaluate the performance of all settings, logics, and the protection system as a whole. ETAP StarZ™ is a new solution to minimize protective relay setting errors and reduce the time required to perform protection and coordination studies.
This webinar presents the fundamentals of harmonics, harmonic distortion and its sources, and related issues such as premature equipment failure or unplanned downtime. The presentation will demonstrate how to identify, analyze, and minimize or eliminate harmonics problems using the ETAP software.
This webinar covers machine fundamentals such as Conversion of Energy, Steady-State Operation, Motor / Generator, Ratings & Motor Equations, Efficiency & Power Factor vs. Loading, Motor Feeder Cable and Load Flow Solutions.
This webinar discusses the induction motor dynamic behavior for acceleration, deceleration and steady-state speed control conditions. It highlights how each of the key fundamental motor dynamic characteristics applies to different applications such as motor starting, fast-bus transfer, and motor parameter estimation and tuning.
This webinar presents the criterion and industry guidelines for protection of motors in medium and low voltage systems, typical induction motor protection schemes and suggested settings for protective devices. The application of Automated Protection & Coordination evaluation tool for design, verification, and correction of settings are also demonstrated.
In the absence of a "definitive" DC arc flash model, ETAP includes three calculation models - the "Maximum Power" method that is used in NFPA 70E, a model based on the Stokes/Oppenlander estimate of arc voltage and resistance, and a model based on Paukert's complication of research into arcing faults.
This presentation will highlight how Star Auto-Evaluation software can improve your system design, safety, reliability and operation. Validate protective device settings for equipment protection, identify mis-coordination and fix zone selectivity issues, apply industry rules for system protection & coordination and significantly increase efficiency, accuracy, and design consistency.
ETAP provides a comprehensive, integrated design and analysis solution for electric power systems. This webinar will highlight several study cases to demonstrate the software’s capabilities in LV system modeling for cable capacity, sizing and protection against electric shock, as well as reporting and project deliverables.
ETAP GRID™ is the most comprehensive enterprise solution for design, simulation, operation, control, optimization, and automation of generation, transmission, distribution, and microgrid power systems.
This webinar will highlight a case study, including lessons learned, for a commercial solar system from photovoltaic modeling to AC & DC time series power flow analysis to power monitoring and real-time predictive simulation.
Contingency Analysis (CA) is a "what if" scenario that evaluates, provides and prioritizes the impacts on an electric power system whenever typically unplanned problems or outages occur.