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The webinar covers the fundamentals & theory of CT saturation, the effects on equipment, and how to avoid CT saturation for certain applications. It includes a demonstration on how to perform CT saturation analysis and CT sizing using ETAP.
Reliable, secure and efficient operation of power systems is becoming increasingly important due to drastic changes in technology and industry structure. Learn how Optimal Power Flow enables you to improve the electrical and financial performance of electric power systems while maintaining system resiliency & security.
Proper sizing and current derating ensures that cables operate to their maximum potential while providing secure and reliable operation. Learn about design and application requirements to properly size and analyze cable systems based on IEEE and North American cable standards and guidelines: IEEE 399, ICEA P-54-440, NEC NFPA 70
The ETAP electromagnetic field exposure analysis tool is integrated with the underground cable systems (UGS) analysis module, and it determines the worst-case electromagnetic fields produced by conductors in underground raceways. The tool handles various 3-phase conductor layouts including flat and trefoil as well 1/C and 3/C 1-phase cables, dc cables, etc. The tool uses balanced & unbalanced load-flow currents and angles to determine the location and surface-level height of the worst-case magnetic field because of all conductors in the raceway.
ETAP UDM is used to build complex control diagrams for machines & renewable energy systems via a graphical editor and includes solvers for simulating system dynamics. Learn how to use UDM Plot View to compare & analyze these dynamic simulation results from single or multiple cases in a quick & efficient manner.
As a major update to the ETAP 20 series, ETAP 20.6 offers impressive new solutions and features, including 100's of enhancements and time-saving improvements, as well as extensive additions to the equipment libraries.
At a given nuclear power plant, nuclear safety is directly dependent on a reliable source of electric power supplied via the plant’s auxiliary power system. The auxiliary power system typically consists of an MV and LV AC and a DC distribution system, powering thousands of individual loads and circuits. The presentation explores past practices and recent developments in the online monitoring of such systems using a digital twin. It includes the reasons for utilizing online monitoring, the advantages and benefits, i.e., business, safety, reliability.
The presentation shows the implementation of ETAP Intelligent Load Shedding in the water treatment plant of Bello, Colombia. First, a description of the production process that is carried out within the plant is given, then particularities of the power system are shown, and a general description of the architecture regarding the automation system of the plant are made. Finally, the intelligent load shedding system is presented, as a predictive system to keep the system online, in the event of contingencies that affect its stability.
As computing requirements continue to increase, data centers are becoming a larger portion of the total world-wide loading. It is critical that the monitoring solutions for these data centers are intelligent in order to maintain a reliable, safe, and efficient asset. During this presentation we will take a deep dive in one such data center utilizing the ETAP eSCADA / PMS solution to achieve an optimal data center.
This webinar introduces ETAP eTraX, integrated solution for design, planning and operation of Rail Traction Systems. eTraX is utilized by railway owners, operators and engineering consultants to analyze, evaluate and monitor innovations and technologies utilized to increase energy efficiency, optimize substation capacity and improve train performance.
This webinar highlights integrated power analysis modules, electrical safety capabilities, and operational compliance solutions, released in ETAP 20.5. Learn about major features & capabilities plus 100’s of enhancements and time-saving improvements added to existing ETAP modules
This webinar provides a summary of the major changes to NFPA 70E 2021 and demonstrates how engineers can use ETAP 20.5 to evaluate the impact of connected and disconnected capacitor energy, calculate arc blast hazard related protection boundaries and how to print Capacitor Hazard Labels in compliance with NFPA 70E 2021.
This webinar examines the microgrid controller’s architecture, hardware deployment workflow, and a range of advanced monitoring tools. Learn how ETAP Digital Twin platform enables the design and deployment of ETAP's Intelligent μGrid™ solution.
Protection assets are critical to the safety and reliability of power systems. Often utilities face the challenge of maintaining and managing protection equipment and rely upon different systems to monitor, manage, and optimize protection settings. ETAP eProtect™ solution provides lifecycle management of protection assets by combining a centralized protection settings management system with automated protection and coordination tools. eProtect allows for device management, relay settings optimization, and management of change across the enterprise.
This webinar presents the criterion and industry guidelines for motor protection in medium and low voltage systems, typical induction motor protection schemes and suggested settings for protective devices. The application of Automated Protection & Coordination evaluation tool for design, verification, and correction of settings are also demonstrated.
Learn how ETAP iDLS offers an intelligent model-driven load curtailment solution with optimization techniques to shed the minimum required distribution feeder loads based on reliability indices, quality of supply, and availability of distributed generation.
This webinar demonstrates EMT simulations of AC power systems connected to power electronic interfaced renewables (both transmission or distribution levels), applications of FACTS devices, and synchronous condensers to mitigate network dynamic response concerns and representation of complex control systems.
ETAP integrates model-driven software and hardware, including intelligent controllers with real-time operational digital twins. This webinar demonstrates how ETAP Digital Substation solution allows you to monitor and verify controller actions and system response during the design, implementation and operation of the controllers.
This webinar presents the European/German standard DGUV-I 203-077 for arc flash hazard calculations. This method, just like IEEE 1584-2018, is in use in many European countries. We will compare the German Arc Flash methodology to IEEE 1584-2018 and introduce ETAP tools available for Arc Flash calculations based on this standard. Application examples as well as features & capabilities will be presented.
Unified Digital Twin Platform for Design, Operation, and Automation This catalog provides an overview over all solutions ETAP offers electrical engineers and operators of electrical power systems.