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ETAP ArcFault™ software is recommended for performing Arc Flash Analysis on electrical utilities and renewable power systems operating at 15 kV and above.
ETAP Arc Flash Analysis software is used to perform arc flash analysis for systems from 0.208 kV to 15 kV in accordance with IEEE 1584-2018 “IEEE Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazard Calculations.” The software determines the incident energy and arc flash boundary values required to comply with NEC equipment labeling. It also provides hazard evaluation for shock protection and arc flash PPE according to NFPA 70E 2018.
etap iCE Remote Terminal Unit provides a scalable data acquisition and control RTU with multiple communication options.
etap iCE Gateway collects data from multiple devices and protocols and convert them to a single output protocol.
Battery Sizing and Discharge Analysis is used to select the most appropriate battery banks, verify the maximum capability of existing batteries, and easily simulate a wide range of backup, control, and other DC scenarios.
The ETAP User-Defined Dynamic Models software can be used to build complex machine control diagrams via a graphical editor, customizable block libraries, and solvers for modeling and simulating dynamic systems.
Underground Raceway Systems helps engineers to design cable systems to operate to their maximum potential while providing secure and reliable operation.
With ETAP Unbalanced Load Flow module, you can easily model your unbalanced system with detailed representation of component unsymmetrical characteristics.
ETAP Transmission Line Sag and Tension Analysis module is an important tool to perform sag and tension calculation for transmission and distribution lines to ensure adequate operating condition for the lines.
ETAP Star provides intelligent tools and powerful capabilities to analyze system protection and troubleshoot false trips, relay and breaker mis-operation, mis-coordination, and more.
ETAP Transformer Sizing software provides a comprehensive tool for sizing of the transformer MVA rating and impedance for 1-phase and 3-phase, two-winding transformers, based on ANSI/IEEE and IEC standards.
Advanced distribution reliability assessment provides engineers with an efficient and effective tool for estimating the performance of power systems.
The ETAP Parameter Estimation program calculates equivalent circuit model parameters for machines at starting condition.
The Optimal Power Flow module solves power system load flow, optimizes system operating conditions, and adjusts control variable settings, while ensuring system constraints are not violated.
Optimal Capacitor Placement allows engineers to strategically place capacitors for voltage support and power factor correction while minimizing installation and long-term operation costs.
With ETAP’s Harmonic Analysis module, you can identify harmonic problems, reduce nuisance trips, design and test filters, and report distortion limit violations.
Ground Grid Systems module enables engineers to quickly and accurately design and analyze ground protection.
Using full frequency-dependent machine and network models, the Generator Start-Up module analyzes cold-state starting of generators under normal and emergency conditions.
ETAP seamlessly integrates the analysis of power and control circuits within one electrical analysis program. The Control System Diagram (CSD) simulates the sequence-of-operation of control devices such as solenoids, relays, controlled contacts, multi-sequence contacts, and actuators including inrush conditions.