115 Item(s) found

Lightning Risk Assessment

Lightning Risk Assessment

In this video, we demonstrate how to use ETAP’s Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) module to assess the risk of a lightning strike and the probability of damage. Learn about the LRA calculation methods used in ETAP and how to perform the LRA to comply with internationals standards NFPA 780-2020, 2014 and IEC 62305-2: 2010. Explore the important reasons behind Lightning Risk Assessment. From lightning as the number one cause of power surges, to preventing damage, fires and other harm to lives and property, accounting for unpredictable weather patterns and asset protection, as in buildings, power infrastructure, and human lives, ETAP's Lightning Risk Assessment module will calculate the possible risk to humans and infrastructure.

How to analyze the incident energy for PV systems with ETAP DC Flash Analysis software

How to analyze the incident energy for PV systems with ETAP DC Flash Analysis software

Learn how ETAP DC Arc Flash Analysis software calculates the incident energy for photovoltaic systems, while considering different methods such as Maximum Power, Stokes and Oppenlander, Paukert, DGUV-I-203-077. This presentation shows how ETAP applies the DC arc incident energy models developed in IEEE "Methods for Evaluating DC Arc Incident Energy in Photovoltaic Systems"

How to perform Harmonic Analysis with ETAP

How to perform Harmonic Analysis with ETAP

Learn how engineers use ETAP Harmonic Analysis software to simulate harmonic current and voltage sources, identify harmonic problems, reduce nuisance trips, design, and test filters, and report harmonic voltage and current distortion limit violations on balanced or unbalanced systems. Additionally, for transmission and distribution system operators, Harmonic Grid Code automates harmonic analysis for detailed power quality assessment reporting demonstrating the generation facility is designed to comply with applicable harmonic limits. Study reports include worst-case incremental and total harmonic distortion, frequency-dependent Thevenin Equivalent at PCC, and color-coded impedance loci charts.

Understanding Grid Code, Grid Code Compliance Analysis & Reporting with ETAP

Understanding Grid Code, Grid Code Compliance Analysis & Reporting with ETAP

The variable nature of renewable energy introduces power quality concerns, including frequency and voltage control, that may negatively impact the reliable performance of a power system. Grid codes, interconnection, or evacuation criteria must be followed during the proposed system design and continue to maintain compliance under grid-connected operation. ETAP Grid Code is a model-driven solution that includes software tools and control hardware to ensure local grid codes or standards compliance throughout the power system design and operations lifecycle.

Learning ETAP in 5 Minutes

Learning ETAP in 5 Minutes

This brief video will teach you how to use ETAP in five minutes. We'll start off creating a brand new project. Adding a power source, loads, cables, breakers and relays, and then run power studies. For in-depth training on how to design and analyze with ETAP software, sign up for one of our 200+ workshops around the world: https://etap.com/events To see what's included in the ETAP Base Package, go to https://etap.com/packages/etap-base-package

ETAP Arc Flash Auto Evaluation Overview

ETAP Arc Flash Auto Evaluation Overview

Automated Arc Flash Energy Evaluation - When performing protection and coordination studies it is difficult to anticipate potential arc flash coordination issues due to the differences between the arc and bolted fault currents. Arc Flash Auto solution automatically evaluates arc-flash incident energy and equipment arc flash damage points to quickly resolve these conflicts limiting the number of scenarios required or even removing the need for an isolated arc flash study.

Underground Conductor Electromagnetic Fields Analysis

Underground Conductor Electromagnetic Fields Analysis

The ETAP electromagnetic field exposure analysis tool is integrated with the underground cable systems (UGS) analysis module, and it determines the worst-case electromagnetic fields produced by conductors in underground raceways. The tool handles various 3-phase conductor layouts including flat and trefoil as well 1/C and 3/C 1-phase cables, dc cables, etc. The tool uses balanced & unbalanced load-flow currents and angles to determine the location and surface-level height of the worst-case magnetic field because of all conductors in the raceway.

Getting Started with ETAP

Getting Started with ETAP

This webinar covers the most important features & capabilities that allow quick and efficient power system analysis studies

High Voltage Arc Flash for T&D, Industrial and Renewable Systems

High Voltage Arc Flash for T&D, Industrial and Renewable Systems

Arc flash analysis extends well beyond the scope of IEEE 1584 and NFPA 70E methodology for transmission, distribution, industrial and renewable energy systems. For many years, the industry has been lacking an ‘all-in-one’ solution for performing AC and DC arc flash analysis on LV, MV, and HV systems. ETAP ArcFault™ analysis software is used for performing Arc Flash Analysis in compliance with OSHA’s requirements in OSHA 1910.269 Appendix E for electric transmission & distribution utilities and renewable energy power system, specifically for calculating arc fault incident energy for 15 kV and above.

Conversion Tutorial from SKM to ETAP

Conversion Tutorial from SKM to ETAP

Migration from SKM Power*Tools® just got easier, faster and more complete! Convert your SKM Dapper & Captor project files into ETAP power system analysis software.