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As the global power sector rapidly transitions toward sustainable energy, the importance of grid code interconnection studies becomes paramount. The manual analysis of grid codes can be time-consuming, involving intricate scenarios and strict compliance. ETAP Grid Code is a model-driven solution that includes software tools and control hardware to ensure local grid codes or standards compliance throughout the power system design and operations lifecycle. Additionally, ETAP’s unique Power Plant Controller (ePPC) along with its digital twin, ensures accurate evaluation and study of the system's actual performance to improve compliance and minimize risk.
The Red Sea Utility Grid is in the Tabuk province of Saudi Arabia. The site is a vast 33,000 km2 of islands, lagoon, coastal plain and mountains with extremely diverse marine life and terrestrial landforms. The grid is divided into four off-grid microgrids. The focus of this presentation is about three of the microgrids that are very similar in size and operation. Each of these microgrids includes two PV generation (total 6 MW), two battery storages (total 5MW, ~18 MWh), and two emergency backup diesel generators (~ total 3.8 MW). The system is designed to achieve high reliability by having redundancy at various levels.
Large power plants are designed and operated to maximize reliability. This is typically done by having multiple points of interconnection and networked configuration. In case of a failure or loss of one point of interconnection, the plant can be reconfigured by closing a coupling breaker and transferring power to another point of interconnection. However, to ensure optimal operation of the power plant, it is important to have a reliable control system that can handle such real-time changes in system configurations. Traditional PLC-based and non model-driven control systems struggle with such real-time changes of the configuration. ETAP Power Plant Controller (ePPC) is a model-driven solution that simplifies the control and management of multi-area power systems. ePPC can handle real-time changes in system configurations, enabling the controller to adjust quickly to any changes in the power network, ensuring optimal operation of the power plant. Additionally, ePPC uses a digital twin concept that allows for easy configuration and simulation of different system setups. The use of the digital twin concept means that any errors can be identified and resolved before implementation, ensuring efficient and effective setup of the power plant. Overall, ePPC offers a valuable solution for controlling multi-area renewable energy systems, providing real-time control with simple setup and reliable operation.
ETAP Automated Fault Analysis System (AFAS) solution provides Real-Time and advanced analytics of electrical faults for your complex networks. Using the ETAP digital twin combined with disturbance records, engineers and operators have a clear forensic picture of any electrical fault in the network. Using proven ETAP analysis solvers, AFAS identifies faults, including fault type, start time, protection trip time, fault magnitudes, and fault distance/impedances. A novel signal injection features allow users to playback recorded data into the protection model to compare "as designed" vs. "as found" relay response. This comparison using ETAP electrical digital twin is used to validate system response per the configured protection scheme, and the sequence of operation was followed within expected time durations.
FlickerMeter is part of the Power Quality applications in ETAP. FlickerMeter allows importing CSV-formatted data files and analyzes up to 20 signals at each run, to evaluate flicker compliance against emission limits. Flicker calculations comply with IEC 61000-4-15 which is the standard for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and the calculation provides instantaneous, short-term (PST), and long-term (PLT) flicker indices based on a voltage waveform loaded into the calculator.
The integration of electric vehicles (EVs), PV systems, battery energy storage systems (BESS), and more has presented us with exciting opportunities and challenges. One such challenge is the need for unbalanced network harmonic analysis, especially when dealing with single-phase charging vehicles and inverter controls.
Discover how this powerful simulation tool evaluates, verifies, and confirms the operation and selectivity of the ZSI scheme for different types of faults. The ZSI capabilities empower engineers and professionals like you to take control of electrical power system protection and analysis, enhance safety, minimize equipment damage, and validate arc flash mitigation techniques and scenarios.
Are you curious about the limitations of short-circuit standards and their inadequacy in addressing arc-flash incident energy calculations? In this presentation, we will review the challenges posed by these standards with an emphasis on IEC 60909-2016 and provide you with an explanation of ETAP arc-flash solutions to these limitations.