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ETAP Power System Software, with its various analysis modules is used to validate the design of Larsen & Toubro Construction – Buildings and Factories projects in airports, data centers, hospitals, office buildings etc. Network Analysis, such as Load Flow and Short Circuit Calculations, ensure load shedding and voltage drop within permissible limits, Transformer Sizing Analysis is utilized to meet standard requirements. Cable Sizing and Cable Pulling Modules, along with UG Thermal Analysis modules, validate cable routing at various underground locations. These tools allow for easy planning and approval at the initial project stage. On Safety and Protection – STAR curves help to find the correct protection and selectivity for prestigious projects with critical operations such as airports, data centers, office buildings and hospitals, to ensure smooth power flow without interruptions. Arc Flash Modules help us to quickly create & define Arc Flash Labels, as well as PPE requirements. Ground Grid Analysis is used for effective and economical earth mat design and sizing. Reliability Assessments are part of the design process to ensure the AIDI and CAIDI reliability metrics. Harmonic Analysis, for the sizing of active and passive filters allows for fine-tuning of filter design at the right locations.
At a given nuclear power plant, nuclear safety is directly dependent on a reliable source of electric power supplied via the plant’s auxiliary power system. The auxiliary power system typically consists of an MV and LV AC and a DC distribution system, powering thousands of individual loads and circuits, i.e., pumps, fans, valves, sensors, and controls specifically designed to protect the integrity of the nuclear reactor and containment structures. This presentation will explore past practices and recent developments in the online monitoring of such systems using a digital twin. The presentation includes the reasons for utilizing online monitoring, the advantages of using a digital twin versus simple data collection, and the multi-faceted benefits realized from such a system (i.e., business, safety, reliability).
The Electrical Risk Management (ERM) group at FTI uses ETAP to provide short circuit, coordination, and arc flash studies as a part of building a safety program for industrial facilities around the US and Canada. This presentation will describe our approach to an overall safety program and the ways that a safety program encompasses more that just an engineering study. Some topics to be discussed are the need for maintenance personnel to understand the labeling, assessing the risk vs. just looking at the label, the choice between full coordination and arc flash hazard, field verification, and bolted fault current vs arcing fault current as it relates to equipment evaluation. We will look at the ETAP model of one of our industrial customers and discuss the benefits of using ETAP for our studies – reliability, adaptability to many systems by using configurations and scenarios, wizards, availability of DC and MV calculations, Star TCCs, ease of exporting reports to Excel, and solar and wind sources capability.
This study simulates the impact of step loading on the transient stability of a 2 x 25 MW GTG-based captive power plant at one of the Chemical Fertilizer Plants located at Trombay, India. The variation of electrical frequency and terminal voltage of the generator during the most conservative step loading of one generator unit is studied. The loads divided in steps are switched at certain time intervals to determine whether the frequency profile of the system is within the acceptable limit of ±5%. Load Flow and Short Circuit Studies are performed on the entire power plant distribution network of the fertilizer plant in advance to check the adequacy of equipment ratings during normal and short circuit conditions with all verified input data. The step load response study is carried out with only one GTG unit running in isolation, feeding only the critical emergency loads. Transient behavior of the GTG unit is simulated with IEEE transfer function dynamic models, viz. AC8B model of excitation system (AVR) and IEEE GGOV1 model for turbine governing system using the in-built standard library in ETAP software version 16.1.0. Various parameters of the generator like speed, active and reactive power, bus voltage, and frequency are plotted for determining the transient performance of the GTG unit.
Learn about ETAP ArcSafety, an all-in-one AC & DC arc flash solution for LV, MV & HV systems that improves safety, reduces risk, minimizes equipment damage, and validates mitigation techniques.
In this video, we demonstrate how to use ETAP’s Lightning Risk Assessment (LRA) module to assess the risk of a lightning strike and the probability of damage. Learn about the LRA calculation methods used in ETAP and how to perform the LRA to comply with internationals standards NFPA 780-2020, 2014 and IEC 62305-2: 2010. Explore the important reasons behind Lightning Risk Assessment. From lightning as the number one cause of power surges, to preventing damage, fires and other harm to lives and property, accounting for unpredictable weather patterns and asset protection, as in buildings, power infrastructure, and human lives, ETAP's Lightning Risk Assessment module will calculate the possible risk to humans and infrastructure.
Learn how ETAP DC Arc Flash Analysis software calculates the incident energy for photovoltaic systems, while considering different methods such as Maximum Power, Stokes and Oppenlander, Paukert, DGUV-I-203-077. This presentation shows how ETAP applies the DC arc incident energy models developed in IEEE "Methods for Evaluating DC Arc Incident Energy in Photovoltaic Systems"
This case study presented by Vu Duc Quang, Deputy Director of Training, Research and Development Center, at PECC2 in Vietnam, explains how peaking electricity consumption in North - and high penetration of renewable energy sources in South Vietnam pose great pressure on the grid. PECC2 utilized ETAP to model Vietnam's power system, calculate and analyze power systems scenarios, identify the optimal location and install capacity of Battery Energy Storage Systems, based on the criteria of reducing/avoiding overload of the power grid and peak shaving. This presentation will demonstrate how BESS solutions with capacity and location calculated with ETAP have shown a clear effect in reducing the power system’s overload.
Learn how engineers use ETAP Harmonic Analysis software to simulate harmonic current and voltage sources, identify harmonic problems, reduce nuisance trips, design, and test filters, and report harmonic voltage and current distortion limit violations on balanced or unbalanced systems. Additionally, for transmission and distribution system operators, Harmonic Grid Code automates harmonic analysis for detailed power quality assessment reporting demonstrating the generation facility is designed to comply with applicable harmonic limits. Study reports include worst-case incremental and total harmonic distortion, frequency-dependent Thevenin Equivalent at PCC, and color-coded impedance loci charts.