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Have your favorite spreadsheet or word document or simply your logo embedded on the ETAP one-line using Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) technology.
Improve efficiency, productivity and data organization by utilizing a Multi-dimensional database.
ETAP provides customized libraries for many devices that include typical, standard and manufacturer information. This tutorial demonstrates how to add new models and TCC curves to the low voltage solid state trip device library.
Learn how to add protective devices like circuit breakers, switches, fuses, etc. to an existing one-line without breaking any equipment connections.
Have data at your fingertips by hyperlinking important information like maintenance schedules, manufacturer datasheets, etc.
ETAP Load Flow calculates bus voltages, branch power factors, currents, system losses, power generation versus loading, and simulates control voltages throughout the system using the ETAP Electrical Digital Twin model. Learn how to enter data into an existing one-line diagram and run a power flow calculation.
ETAP provides customized libraries for many devices that include typical, standard and manufacturer information. Additional devices may be added to each library using the library editor in ETAP.
ETAP provides customized libraries for many devices that include typical, standard and manufacturer information. This tutorial demonstrates how to add new models and TCC curves to the Fuse library.
Learn how to size passive harmonic filters as part of harmonic analysis. The following filter types include expanded sizing capabilities: single-tuned (notch), high-pass damped, 3rd order damped, and 3rd order C-type.
Gone are the days of repetitive analysis runs. With the ETAP Wizard, complete system analysis is a click away!